Monday, October 12, 2009

Anticipated Questions

Given my present skin condition with my face, I decided to anticipate some questions my students at Missouri Baptist might have as they entered the room for their final exam and saw my big, unsightly face staring at them. Here they are with my answers.

1. Do you have measles, chicken pox, smallpox, or the plague? NO

2. Are you contagious? NO

3. Did you eat too much chocolate? I wish

4. Are you reliving puberty? No way

5. Is this as bad as it will get? No, the "oozing" yet to come.

6. Has God brought the 6th plague of Moses' Day on you? NO

7. Is this the first bowl of wrath in Revelation 16? NO

8. Are you well? YES

9. Does it hurt? YES, plus it itches.

10. Was it hurting when you made up the exam? YES

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