Thursday, September 11, 2008

Senator Obama is like Jesus

On the floor of the United States Congress yesterday, Tennessee representative Steve Cohen said,

If you want change, you want the Democratic Party. Barack Obama was a community organizer like Jesus, who our minister prayed about. Pontius Pilate was a governor.

Oh my, I guess some states will send anyone to Congress to represent them. Wait, I forgot! We did send Claire McCaskill to the Senate didn't we!

Congressman Cohen reveals several tidbits in this quote. Here are some I see:

1. He knows the Democratic talking points ("change").

2. Senator Obama's claim to fame is his community organizing work rather than his work in either the Illinois congress or the United States Senate (where he did virtually nothing in either one).

3. Senator Obama is indeed the Messiah, well, at least like the Messiah. Of course, Jesus' "community organizing" involved bringing a sword and setting a man against his father and a daughter against his mother (
Matthew 10:34-36). Is that the type of community organizing Senator Obama did? Hmmm, maybe the congressman is right!?

4. Our United States Congress evidently knows nothing about Jesus since the Congressman had to explain to his colleagues that this Jesus was the one "who our minister prayed about".

5. Since Jesus is a forbidden topic in our public school system and since Congressman Cohen had to explain to the House who Jesus was, I guess I can conclude that all members of Congress were educated in our public school systems. Is my logic correct here?!

6. Pontius Pilate was governor of Palestine during the latter years of Christ's life. So Congressman Cohen is claiming Governor Sarah Palin is like Governor Pontius Pilate. That's interesting since no one in Palestine voted for Pilate whereas Governor Palin was elected by the residents of her state. Few in Palestine liked Pontius Pilate whereas most of the residents of Alaska love Governor Palin. Pontius Pilate was male whereas Governor Palin is female. Pontius Pilate was installed by the Roman Emperor, Tiberius. Governor Palin was installed by the people of her state. Somehow I am failing to see the comparison here. Oh, I guess its in the title, "Governor". Of course, Pilate also had the title "procurator". Oh well...

7. Will someone tell the Democrats that Senator Obama is running for the office of President whereas Governor Palin is running for the office of Vice President?

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