Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Presidential Election 2016

The Presidential election is nearly upon us.  I will admit at the outset I am not a fan of any of the candidates nor did I vote for any of them in the primary elections.  I have read and listened to policy statements from the 3rd party candidates and, to be perfectly honest, much of what most of them say makes little sense.  There is no doubt that NONE of them have any chance of winning this election.  The next President will be Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton whether I like it or not.

I have voted for the Republican candidate for over 30 years because they most closely align with my political beliefs.  Many of them have been decent men (no one is perfect).  Some of the things Mr. Trump has said do not set well with me in terms of his character.  Of course, much of what the media has said about him is not true since the Clinton server e-mails prove the media, for the most part, is "in the tank" for Secretary Clinton.  

My other possible choice is Secretary Clinton.  Mr. Trump has character flaws but this women IS a character flaw!  She is a constant liar and a liar on a grand scale.  She has spent her entire adult life with one goal:  to be the first woman President.  That has not been Donald Trump's lifelong goal, I know that much.  In a battle over character, I will take Donald Trump any day over Hillary Clinton. 

What will each of them do if elected?  Go read their web site statements.  Listen to their press conferences.  Replay the debates.  We can only rely on what Mr. Trump has said he will do since he has not served in a political office before.  I do know Donald Trump can handle money and jobs so I put much more confidence in him to turn around our economy than Mrs. Clinton who intends to keep President Obama's course of action.

But, with Mrs. Clinton, I have not only her words but also her works.  She has been involved in government for over 30 years as wife of the Arkansas governor, First Lady, New York Senator, and Secretary of State.  What positive contributions has she made in any of those positions?  ABSOLUTELY NONE!  Our present world situation (ISIS, return of Russia) has occurred under President Obama while Mrs. Clinton was Secretary of State.  Can anyone objectively say she has made a positive contribution in that position?

Mrs. Clinton has treated secure data loosely with her server.  She has repeatedly lied to the American people about the server and her e-mails.  She stood next to grieving relatives of those killed in Benghazi as their caskets arrived and lied to their faces concerning their deaths.  Can you really believe anything she says?  

She intends to "keep the course" and maintain President Obama's legacy.  Are you REALLY better off today than you were 8 years ago?  Our national debt has DOUBLED in 8 years and Mrs. Clinton wants to spend more money.  Our nation cannot handle it.  She wants to raise taxes again on those who create jobs.  That only discourages job creation (as well as results in jobs going overseas).  She supports Obamacare.  In fact, if she had her way, we would move to a single payer insurance system where the government is that single system.  Obamacare is presently falling on its face.  

These are only a few of my issues with her policies.  I believe she is the MOST dangerous candidate who has ever run for the office of President.  If elected, she will nominate anywhere from 2-4 Supreme Court justices who do not support the original intent of the Constitution, resulting in a more radical turn in our courts.  Kiss many of your freedoms goodbye (as her about your 2nd Amendment rights!).

While I have problems with Donald Trump, I cannot vote for Hillary Clinton.  Some of you might argue that I should vote for a 3rd party candidate.  But I am a mathematician and such a vote from me actually supports Mrs. Clinton by reducing Mr. Trump's vote by 1.   Any vote that is NOT for Donald Trump is, in effect, a vote for Hillary Clinton no matter how you try to convince yourself otherwise.

This election is too important!  I will vote for Trump, character flaws or not. 

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