One of the clear messages sent by the American public in the election of Donald Trump as the Republican candidate for President and the overwhelming support for Bernie Sanders during the Democrat primaries is they want new blood in government. Trump talks about "draining the swamp" and, I agree, much of it needs draining. Let's start with the Clintons, the Obamas, and the McCaskills of the world!
But we must also exercise caution.
In Missouri, there are two races of special interest. First is the race for Governor between Eric Greitens and Chris Koster. While Greitens is the true outsider in the race, Koster has been leading the polls for weeks, coming across as a level-headed politician, interested in helping the people. Yet Coster has been in politics for quite some time. Furthermore, he supports big government, he supports Obamacare, and he supports the legalization of illegal aliens in our country. None of those items will help our state or people. I am not a Greitens fan, but Greitens has a better plan for Missouri than Koster.
Even more interesting is the Roy Blunt/Jason Kander race for U. S. Senate. Blunt has been in Washington for many years and, so, he is naturally one of those "in the swamp" that needs to be drained. OR SO IT SEEMS. But Kander has been a government official (Secretary of State) since 2012. More than one election in our state was poorly run while he served in this position, a position in charge of elections. Kander, like Coster, is a big government, "I love taxes" politician who supports Obamacare. Furthermore, much of what he has said in his campaign ads against Senator Blunt is untrue. I like Roy Blunt. Perhaps he has been in Washington a bit long. But at least I sense he is fighting for me and my family. Blunt-yes; Kander-no.
Now some might argue that I simply support Republicans. Well, that is not true. Over my many years of voting, I have voted for people from both parties as well as for an independent here and there. But, in all honesty, I don't see any Democrat these days who has anything to offer us but the same, old, left-wing, big government, tax increase policies of the past 40 years! The party has continued to drift farther and farther left towards socialism and even communism. Democrats always talk as though the government has the solution to our problems, that they know what is best for us. But, in my 60+ years on this planet, I can count on one hand the number of programs the government has run which are truly successful.
Our Founders knew better. They made our Federal government a LIMITED government. It was designed to PROVIDE for the common defense (not merely promote it!), PROMOTE the general welfare (not to provide it!), and to SECURE the blessings of liberty (not take them away!). That's why the Constitution contains the powers given to the Federal government. They are limited to those powers so enumerated. Yet the bigger our government gets, the fewer our freedoms become, and the more power they usurp.
I know of no Democrat who has any answer to any problem unless it is MORE GOVERNMENT. Personally, I want the government off my back and out of my wallet.