Monday, November 16, 2009

The President

As my family (or anyone who reads previous blog entries) knows, I did not support the President for his office when he was running last year. I disagree with his policies and the various changes he has already made in that office. He is leading our country away from the republic it has been to a far left government, destroying our freedoms and our country in the process. Nevertheless, he is the President and leader of our nation, therefore, he deserves our respect. He is my President even though we are at opposite ends of the political spectrum.

Well, after reading about my President's visit to Japan this weekend, I am about ready to cast aside all respect for "our leader". First he BOWS to the leader of Japan. Mr. President, you don't bow to anyone! My LEADER does NOT bow to anyone. Even I would not bow to the Japanese leader.

Then, when asked about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end World War II and whether the United States should have done that, our President did a soft shoe dance around the issue and, essentially, apologized once again for our nation. How dare you, sir! Why did you not remind the Japanese that we were ending a war THEY STARTED.

Mr. President, I want to respect you even if I disagree with you politically. But I do not respect those who walk around and consistently embarrass our nation and apologize for our actions of years gone by. Mr. President, check the cemeteries in Europe and see how many Americans are buried there, dead from fighting to preserve that continent. Mr. President, visit the memorials in Pearl Harbor (your very home state) and across the Pacific and see the testimonies of brave Americans who gave their lives for our freedom by fighting back the very Japanese nation to whom you cowered this weekend. My relatives fought on both of those fronts, sir, and I am proud of their service.

Mr. President, with all due respect, your actions and words put our nation to shame. How dare you, sir! Our nation deserves and demands a better leader and spokesman than what we are receiving.


finefroghair said...

I suppose pea brain Bush was a better leader than Obama get a grip when in Rome... The Japanese bow as a sign of respect our president was showing courtesy something sorely lacking in the Bush regime and throughout this entire country

TheSaxonHus said...

Your comment is consistent with others of your vein. Take a comment made against President Obama and use it as an opportunity to insult President Bush. Oh, well, some folks will never listen.

NO PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (Democrat or Republican) BOWS TO THE JAPANESE (or anyone else).

I do pray your eyes will be opened one day concerning how far away from our Constitution President Obama is taking our country.