Tuesday, November 10, 2009

HR 3962

The Health Care bill (HR 3962) passed by the House of Representatives this past Saturday evening is huge both in its size and its potential impact to our nation. I have not read the entire bill; very few have. But I have read comments posted by those who have read it. I have gone to the sections of the bill referenced by such comments to verify what they are saying is actually in the bill. Despite the legalese, I am convinced enough of what the commentators are saying about the bill is true and that we need to do all we can to prevent this thing from ever becoming law.

First, I am providing a link to the bill itself here.

Second, I am providing a link to an excellent summary of concerns written by Besty McCaughey for the Wall Street Journal here. She is a former Lt. Gov. of New York state.

I am personally convinced this bill is very dangerous and must be stopped by the Senate and/or any subsequent conference committee. You may read the above information and draw your own conclusions. If you agree with my conclusion then I urge you to contact your Senators daily (phone and e-mail) and tell them you do not support such health care reform legislation.

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