Thursday, September 6, 2012

What Future America Do I Want?

I saw a post this morning which noted the different worldviews being expressed by the two political parties.  This election will decide the future direction of our nation since these two parties how completely opposite worldviews.  The question was asked what type of America do you want in the future? 

I decided to answer the question briefly.  Opening a new text file, I jotted down the following thoughts as they came to my mind.  I haven't edited anything so don't expect anything profound.  The order in which they are listed are the order in which they popped into my head.  I'm sure there are many others and, perhaps, some would like to add them via comments.  Anyway, here we go.

What Future America Do I Want?

I want the America of the future to be:

  • An America which fears God, not ignores Him.
  • An America which cherishes the unborn, not silences them.
  • An America which thrives on capitalism, not fails with socialism.
  • An America which supports Israel, not ignores her.
  • An America which guards our freedoms, not removes them.
  • An America which stands with our allies, not bows before our enemies.
  • An America which lives within its means, not spends whenever and whatever it pleases.
  • An Americh which protects a citizen's right to arm themself, not attempts to take that right away.
  • An America which has a small and limited Federal government, not a large and unlimited one.
  • An America which provides for the common defense and promotes the general welfare rather than promoting the common defense and providing the general welfare.
  • An America which honors the Biblical and traditional view of marriage, not the man-made definitions.
  • An America which lets us keep the money we earn, not take more and more of what we earn.
  • An America which utilizes its own natural resources, not restrict their use.
  • An America which depends more on itself, not more on foreign nations.
  • An America which leads the world, not follows.