Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Providence of God

Watch closely:

Health Care Facts from the Heritage Foundation

Here is a link to some facts concerning "Obamacare" complied by the Heritage Foundation. I thought some of you may have an interest in this information.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Babies: Cap and Trade

For those of you who desire a larger family (or lots of grandchildren!), take a quick look at Dr. Al Mohler's blog post for today. You may read it here.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Counting Heads: The 2010 Census

Whom should be included in a census of the population of the United States: everyone who is living within our borders OR citizens of our country? Remember, the census determines the number of representatives each state has in the United States House as well as the number of electors in the next Presidential election.

Well, if you believe only citizens should be counted, hang onto your hats as you read THIS article.